Monday, March 14, 2011

Randomness But Still Important to Me...LOL

Today was a great day as I spent the morning with clients! I came home for a quick lunch and then out to the gym for a BIG TIME WORKOUT! I only have three weeks left before the Knoxville Half Marathon and I am devoting myself and all my training to this race right now! I really want to do well in this race and my goal time is 1:45:00 or less...last year I did a 1:49:52...I know its a tough course but I have been working my butt off to get myself in the best condition of my life! Today, I worked my CORE and Upperbody for two hours...I started with sit ups (decline..meaning my body laying on a bench...head down at the ground and feet up...not your standard sit up)..I did a 100 as quick as I could and then I grabbed a 25lb weight and did 30 more...then I grabbed a 45 lb weight and did 15 more...this is always a good start for me! Then on to push ups, pullups, DB Bicep Curls, Lawnmower Pulls, Pull Up Leg Lifts, Crunches (I always do 1000 when I work CORE), Chest Flys, and when I weight lift I always circuit train so I add Jumping Squats to my routine...I use a 18 inch bench to do Jumping Squats..I did 150 of these...I will say I believe this is what is making me stronger in my races/runs! A great workout...and I have a big week planned for my workouts and four run days also! Then starting next Monday I will start to taper down a little each day so I am fresh come April 3rd for the race!

Had a great night afterwards as I got to see my nephew Kacey Edenfield play in his first high school baseball game. He is the centerfielder for Central High School. I got a chance to see his mother tonight, Toni, who I hadn't seen in sometime and it was great to be able to talk with her again! I think Kacey might have been a little nervous his first time at bat, as anyone would be, because he struck out on a pitch that was clearly out of the strike zone...thats okay in bottom of the second inning he made an outstanding play on a sinking line drive that was hit like a two iron...he made an incredible catch that could easily got pass him and went to the wall for a triple but just like a chip off the old block ( his brother...Ken Edenfield...a former Major League Baseball Player with the California Angels and New York Yankees) he made the catch! Thats boy Kacey!

Finally, I wanted to share something with you and let you know how I feel about something and see what your feelings are about the subject! Today, I was listening to the Sports Animal with Jeff Jacoby, Micky Dearstone, and Heather Harrington! A caller called in and started the conversation by saying he liked Bruce Pearl and was trying really hard to see the good things about him and not the negative ones! BUT, BUT, BUT...he said, "Did you see Bruce after the technical foul during the Florida game? He screamed the F word! And I think that is wrong." He said, "If I had a son that was considering University of Tennessee I may not want him to come here with a coach talking like that." Well immediately Heather says I don't get offended by that would and that would have no bearing on the situation if my son wanted to come to UT...she said I don't have a problem with a coach talking like that! Jeff also responded by saying he wasn't offended by it either and he didn't think any of the players on the UT bench would be offended by it...Jeff said you must not ever have been in a collegiate locker room if you don't think coaches talk like that! Mickey said he didn't condone it...then Jeff said he didn't condone it either but he didn't think it was a big deal! Well I remember a few games ago when Harris was screaming from the bench F this and that and B_ll Sh_t...hmmm....I do believe the fish rots from the head down! I can tell you I do think that is WRONG...I do think a coach has a responsibility to develop young men and not just win basketball games...I do think a coach should an example and be a role model...I do think INTEGRITY matters....let me say this and as strong as I know how to say this...If you want this man to be your might as well be happy with the players he is gonna bring in here! A team emulates their coach...a team is their coach...a team can not talk, act, or play different than the coach that recruits and prepares them for their games! I do believe it is Bruce's time to leave UT...I don't know where Bruce would fit....I think at times we have made a deal with the devil to win at all cost....I would love to see Bruce change but HE AIN'T GONNA...I want a man with integrity and a man with character at UT...I don't think winning is the most important thing and certainly not at the cost of setting the wrong example for our student athletes! Off my soapbox now...LOL!

Hey by the way...I thought I would put a little something on here from time to time so you might know me better! Here goes a couple!

Favorite Color: Red....second is black
Favorite Sports Team: Cincinnati Reds...then Boston Celtics...then Pittsburgh Steelers
Favorite Song of All Time: Turn the Page by Bob Seger
Favorite City in the USA: San Francisco
Favorite Movie: To Kill A Mockingbird
Favorite Dog: Jack Russell
The Five Things that I think makes a woman attractive: Her hair, teeth, eyes, finger nails, and toes! Bet I surprised you right there...most men wouldn't say those five things...I can probably think of a few other body parts! LOL...My opinion has always been if those five things are in order...everything else would take care of itself!LOL

Mike Edenfield
1 Timothy 1 15-17

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