Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ever Looked Up and Wondered How Did I Get Here and Who Helped Me?

Well I sit here on Sunday night and realize I am coming to the end of another great weekend! It was a complete weekend...two races, spent time with friends and family, and got a ton of work done it my yard! I am blessed...Saturday I started it out with The Great 8K Run in Knoxville..the second year in a row to run this race...and it was a blast! The weather was great and I set a new PR (Personal Record) for an 8K...36.44. I was 1st in my age group and 13 overall! I came home and took a rest for about 4 hours and went to Oak Ridge and ran the Catch the Leprechaun 5K...again a pretty successful race..even though I didn't go with any intentions of placing...just to run the race...I came in 15th overall and 4th in my age group and ran the race in 22.47. The course was hilly but I was very proud of my time! The best part of the day was I got to see a ton of running buddies and to compete twice! My buddy Laura Gearhiser tore it up on Saturday as she also ran both races and won both as the Overall Female!!!!

We didn't have a lot of time after the race because we had to get ready quick to meet friends for dinner at Altrudia's in Knoxville! Three of my closet friends, Doug Dibb and his wife Cindy, Angie Wilson and her two kids, and Rocky Smith and his wife Pat Smith met me and Mica and Phyllis Stewart, my Mom, and nephew Kacey Edenfield for a great dinner! A ton of laughs with running stories and old stories that go back 10 years! Rocky has been a friend for 15 years and he means the world to me...HE IS IN MY TOP 5 and the other two Doug and Angie have become my friends over the past year...THEY BOTH ARE IN MY TOP 5...I have respect for all three of these people and I know that I could count on them for anything! Kinda nice and peaceful to know I have friends like that...I hope they feel like they can say that about me because THEY CAN!!

Last night kinda got me thinking about the MEN that have made a difference in my life! What made me...ME! I think I'm pretty simple but some say I'm complicated...lets say the three words I can say describes me...FOCUSED, INTENSE, and ENERGIZED...if I had to further describe myself a few things that come to mind would be...A Christian, Hard working, giving, fair, honest, timely, goal setter, spontaneous, and competitive! But who helped me...we all have people that helped develop us and make us and give us explosures, confidence, and opportunities! So I thought I would list the MEN that made me and what I am today...WHO I AM...WHAT I AM...WHERE I AM GOING...WHERE I HAVE BEEN! So here we go:

MY DAD....Sam Edenfield
Dad passed away on Oct 14, 2010...I feel like a part of me died that same day! My Dad was far from perfect but what a great dad he was for me! Dad taught me my work ethic and he taught me the single biggest attribute I have as far as I can see...GIVING! Dad was a giving man...he never had much but he always thought he was rich! I use to fuss at him because a lot of times Dad was giving things to people that actually had more money than himself! LOL He never missed a game I played whether it was in town or out of town and no matter what sport it was I was playing! I could write a book on my Dad but I will say this in short about him...His love for me was never a question and the man would have died for me at any moment in his life...he thought there was nothing I couldn't do and was so proud of me...He gave me more confidence than any man in my life!


Well thats Roger in the red shirt and me in the red pants with the white belt! LOL!! Roger and his brother Terry would tell me time and time again how good I was and how great of a pitcher and baseball player I was gonna be! I never forget one time when I was 9...Roger and Terry took me on another field when we were practicing away from the other players and talked to me. Roger told me that he was counting on me and told me if I put my mind to it I could be a special player! The confidence they both gave me was unbelievable and it stayed with me throughout my playing days in college and even today! Neither probably realized what they were doing but its amazing what words can do to a young man...I think about that now when I talk to young kids!

My Brother: Ken Edenfield

Well my brother is truly not just a brother but my closest of friends...I am so proud of the man he has become and the true bond we share! Ken has different attritbutes than me but in some ways we are very common! Ken is what I would call TRUE BLOOD..though we may have a difference from time to time...the man would do anything for me INCLUDING GIVING HIS LIFE...that I'm sure of! I LOVE YOU MY no love ever!

My Little League Pitching Coach: Cecil Drury

Cecil lived about three blocks from my house when I was in Little League...thats Cecil on the right and me all the way on the left back! Cecil was a pretty good ball player growing up and he knew baseball and pitching! When I was 11 and 12 years old Cecil tutored me anytime I wanted to go knocking on his door! I would run over to his house after school or in the summer and there was never a time I asked him to catch for me that he didn't. Cecil would get his lawn chair out and sit back with his catchers mitt and catch me as long as I wanted to throw. Cecil made me the pitcher I would become and he taught me the curveball and how to hit spots with my fastball....AND A WHOLE LOT OF THINGS just sitting there in that lawn chair! You know just thinking about that...I wasn't Cecil's Dad and Mom didn't pay him...he got nothing for his time and effort...Just a good man helping a young man become an adult! WOW!!

My High School Baseball Coach: Richard Price

Coach Price and the stories I could tell about him! Talk about confidence...Coach Price walks up to me at baseball tryouts my freshman year and he says..."Hey I don't usually put freshman on the varsity squad and there are a few freshman out here but don't worry you will make this team"! Not only did he select me..the fourth game of the season he puts me on the mound to start the game...I did pretty well but got in trouble in the fifth inning...he came to the mound...I begged him to let me stay in the game...he looked up me and said its your game to lose! What a confidence builder for me...we won 7-1 and I got the complete game victory! What Coach Price did for me was incredible...I remember several times he would come up to me and say you are pitching tomorrow...I'd say I just pitched two days ago...He said you'll be ready!LOL...He would play me anywhere...Catcher, Firstbase, and even the outfield but pitcher and shortstop was where I ended up most games! When I made All Conference...I remember him coming to me at school and I swear I think he was more excited than I was for the award! I loved Coach Price!

My High School Football Coach: Carlis Altizer

The reason I have to include Coach Altizer is simple one reason...He made a negative comment to me one time and it has stuck with me till even this day! I played all three sports in high school but when I was a junior I made a decision I would not play football my senior year because I didn't want to jeopardize what I thought would be a scholarship opportunity in baseball! When Coach Altizer found out about my decision he came to the lunchroom one day while I was having lunch and called me outside in the hallway...when I told him he was right that my decision was not to play next year...He called me a quitter! He probably had no idea what impact he made on a young man...even though he was trying just get me to play football...he gave me a mindset from that day on...I AM NO QUITTER...I probably owe him something for that conversation because I ALWAYS FINISH NO MATTER WHAT!!

My College Baseball Coach at Walters State: Bill Gardner

Coach Gardner took what I call an average baseball player...ME...and made me a college baseball player! He had a way of building confidence in young men and teaching and coaching baseball intellect! Coach Gardner always gave me a feeling there was nothing I couldn't do and he made winning fun!


Now this man was a big influence on me...he would always say me that I could be an officer instead of an enlisted man. Major Davis is the reason I went back to college in the service and he is the biggest reason that I got a job in the back office in the Security Police Squadron and out of the Missile Field so I would have more time to study and play ball for the Air Force! He begged me to stay in when I decided to be discharge in 1987, but he was so happy for me when he found out I had been able to secure a really good job on the outside! Officers and enlisted people were not suppose to fraternize but Major Davis and his wife would come to my house all the time and actually would have dinner with me and my wife! He was always talking to me about being a officier and he always thought I could do it...a big help to me for other three years of my life!


When I left Kansas City and returned to Morristown...I went to work for Clayton Homes! I met a guy named Herb Ping! He was a career Clayton Homes guy and had done everything with the company but had decided to go back into sales for a slow down at the end of his career! Herb taught me how to sale and how to close a deal...WOW without Herb I don't know what I would do for a living today!


Well Scott got me in the automotive business, he trained me, he paid for me to go to Finance School, he employed me, and he is the single biggest person in my life when it comes to my career! Scott not only is my business partner but my best friend and my mentor! I seriously don't know anything I would not do for the man to include giving my life! Scott is one of the smartest men I have ever met and he can speak in front of a group of people off the cuff better than any man I have ever met! Besided my father, Scott, is the closest man I have ever had in my life! We trust each other and love each other! Scott employed me in 1988 and in 1991 I left him to go work for Clayton Volvo but when he started his new company in 1993 he came searching for me...after only six months of me and Scott working together we purchased a company together and we have been business partners ever since! Much love to this fellow...I pray that he would speak at my funeral when I die and I would hope he would want me to do the same for him...I don't think any man would know either one of us better than the other does!!

OTHERS: I won't write about the others but the list below all had influences on me and are very much appreciated!!!

*Jim ex father and employed me in high school and college..a wonderful man
*Gary ex father...Gary was as big of influence in my life as anybody besides my father and Scott Lewis...
*Dwight Frazier....getting me in the automotive business
*Joe and Rick me to be a Used Car Manager
*Don me in the Automotive After Market Business
*Ray Viles first account in my new business and a client for over 19 years
*Johnny Wayne Farris...a client and one of my best friends
*John Smyth...a really really good friend and the first man to introduce me to RUNNING
*Rocky Smith...ONE OF MY TOP 5 Friends of all time
*Donnie Lamb...ONE OF MY TOP 5 Friends of all time
*Martin Himes....ONE OF MY TOP 5 Friends of all time
*Doug Dibb...ONE OF MY TOP 5 Friends of all time
*Tony Horton...Mr P90X...He changed my life when it comes to fitness

Well these are the men...I don't think I have left anyone out! I thank them all and I only hope that one day when some guy is thinking about what made him...HIM...that maybe he could put me on his list!

Mike Edenfield
1 Timothy 1 15-17

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