Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10, 2011 My Day

Started my morning this morning with a great breakfast...1 cup of eggs white scrambled and halfed into two parts...1/2 cup of cheese...all placed in two whole grain tortillas and mixed in some salsa and then a big cup of coffee...Perfect breakfast...only 452 calories, 56g of protein, 18g carbs, 16g of fat, and ZERO sugar! Thats right ZERO sugar! Perfect way to start my day with lots of protein but I will need to pick up some early carbs for the three workouts I hope to get in today!

My Men's Bible Study Class at 7am at Panera Bread this morning was AMAZING! Only two of us and Rocky Smith (one of my top 5 and one of my best friends of all time)! Rocky is an amazing person...a man of God and he knows the bible inside and out and I learn so much being around him! He has amazing energy and a passion for people and to preach the word (he is a preacher also)! Our study today was on Chapter 4 of Dare to be Uncommon! Basically, what is your FULL POTENTIAL in life...not in your career...BUT IN YOUR LIFE! Put aside your career...Moses, Peter, Paul, and others put aside their careers for GOD...what is your potential in your life to help the Kingdom of the Lord? We were asked to complete the following exercise and I would love for you to do it also!

Basically fill out the opportunities you have in life and then identify your passions and then your abilities as you see them!...The interlocking center should tell you how you can further the Kingdom by the connecting opportunities, passions, and abilities! I will share mine...Opportunities...My running friends, fitness friends, clients, my business partner, my brother, my family! My passion...sports, running, my faith, baseball, my marriage, goal setting, competition, and helping others! My abilities...sales, leadership roles, teaching/coaching, fitness! Now my connecting circles kinda tell me I would do well at working with young people in some kind of coaching/teaching atmosphere! Sharing my past and my abilities and passion with them and teaching them how NOT TO LIVE...and how with the right kind of life in the beginning..they will be able to avoid all the pitfalls I fell into and went through! Funny thing that is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping to do! We learned about Moses and how God used him after he was 80 years old and no matter what his past...murderer, he stuttered, his people rejected him, and he even had apprehension! But when he let God use him look what he did! He is probably one of the top five men of the he wrote the first five books of the bible and delivered the Ten Commandments and lead his people out of the most powerful empire on earth and across the Red Sea! WOW...what can we do if we let God use us no matter what our past has been!

Secondly, we got off subject as we usually do...LOL...we talked about struggles in our christian lives! I won't share with you what our subjects/concerns were because these are private among us but I will tell you this...we all have struggles and test that are put in front of us everyday. Whether its the love of money, impure thoughts, addictions, lust, temptations, unforgiveness, gossiping about people, etc....WE ALL HAVE THEM!  We talked about this and here is the deal as I said to Rocky...we are all like a big tube of tooth paste and we are solid or we look solid...our sins and tempatations,etc are known by Satan...he knows  us as well as GOD does and he knows what our strongholds are and how to temp us and he is like a needle that puts a hole in the tooth paste...the hole is unseen to most but when the tube is squeezed the tooth paste will come out...he knows how to squeeze us (temp us)! When we are tempted we have to be around Christians and THE WORD to stay the course (to keep the hole plugged)...when we are not...we have the temptation to go backwards in our christian life! I know my temptations...I don't put myself in a position to fail...I know where I am vulnerable, however, there are times that situations are things happen that put me in a position that I can't help because of business or whatever...ITS AT THAT TIME I HAVE TO BE CONCIOUS OF MY PRESENT SITUATION...pray...or remove myself from that position...SO I WILL NOT FAIL! I will tell you because if not it would be a pride thing for me and I have no pride now that Jesus is in my heart...Sex just like in many men is a tempatation for me...impure thoughts, TV, movies, commercials, a godly man told me the other day...many men are dealing with this all the time...even you may not believe this but trust me it is TRUE...if people are really honest with you they will tell you IT IS TRUE! There is an article recently published that says 1 out of every 2 men that enter a church on Sunday morning is dealing with it in some way...either physical or mentally! Which honestly is the same..even though some of us might not consider it the same! So here is what I have learned when you are put in this position to think or act on your stronghold (whatever it is)...then pray for that individual and for their soul....IT IS VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO PRAY FOR SOMETHING AND FANTASIZE ABOUT THEM AT THE SAME TIME! This may not be a popular subject but it is REAL!!!! Many men deal with it daily...christian and non christian men!

I met a good friend in Oak Ridge around noon and had a nice 5 mile run...part of the 5 miles was the 3.2 miles of The Catch The Leprechaun 5K course that we will run Saturday at 4pm! It was a nice run and my friend Mandy Stephens really did is not a flat course...should be fun to race it! I just love Mandy and she has great passion for fitness and running...she had made great strides in the past year with running and P90X and has become a fitness friend...awesome how God has put people like her in my life! Afterwards, I went to National Fitness Center and worked CORE and Triceps...I always do sit ups, push ups, and crunches everyday!

Drank my recovery drink and ate a protein bar at the gym...that put me at 872 Calories for the day so far and already 87g of protein and only 73 carbs! I will eat again before M and M Fit Club tonight at 6:40 because we are gonna do P90X Core Synergistics and I will need some carbs in my system to get in a good workout!

Got home and found out my new Survival Strap had arrived that I order this past weekend...I love it because it is black, red, and white...THE CINCINNATI REDS! Yeah thats my team and Opening Day is only three weeks away on March 31, know where I will be since I haven't missed Opening Day since 1979!

Then found out my new logo for my Running Team is ready...this is a patch I am having made for my team...its 3 x 3 and is a sewn patch and will fit on a hat, shirt, shorts, is really kewl...its gonna be a nice surprise to give to them for being a part of my team that I will take to New England in June to run a 221 mile relay in 1 day...6 states (New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Maine, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts)! Should be a blast!!

Well I'm gonna grab a bite to eat and head to M and M Fit Club in a bit! Then home to wach the Vols! I trust your day has been a good one! Just remember guys live everyday like its your last one...thats the only way to live....WHAT IF IT IS! Don't leave anything you want to do undone! I was thinking today what if this was the last run I ever did...WOW...why not go all out...well you get the thinking...LOL!

Peace and Love
Mike Edenfield
1 Timothy 1 15-17

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