Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 8, 2011

I promise not to try and write a book tonight guys...but trust me the Lord blessed my day from the time I got up this morning...leading me to a verse in the bible that kinda started my day the right way...Act 1: 7-8...basically saying that Jesus promised the disciples that they would receive power to witness after they receive the holy spirit! Often we try to reverse the order and witness by our own power..we must first receive the Holy Spirit, then he will give the power, and then and only then we can witness with extraordinary results! Witnessing is not showing what we can do for GOD but showing what GOD has done for us!...Well with that in mind...my day started!!!

I won't bore you with my business morning even though it was very nice and business seems to be picking up...different than in the past...it usually starts getting busy in the automotive industry after March 1st but this year seems to be a little different and dealers did a lot more business than they usually do in February...so YEA..YEA...at least I hope so! While visiting one of my dealers this morning I actually got to witness to an owner and a couple of his employees...LOL...if people will stand and listen to me...I WILL WITNESS...I love to tell what GOD is doing for me! Then my day really got started!!!!!

A few weeks ago I asked a person on Facebook to become friends with me...it was the wife of one of my best friends in the world (11 years ago)! And she accepted! Me and my good friend had drifted apart because of my divorce with my exwife and moving, etc. Long story and I mean long story short...he was probably the best friend I ever had until my divorce! I had not talk to him in 11 years! When his wife accepted my friendship I'm sure she was a little reluctant but she did so anyway (GOD had to be involved in this)! She watched me (I found out today) and after a while she ask her husband (my used to be best friend) to contact me!  He did last week and ask me to lunch...I agreed! So we met today at noon...after several crying sessions together and sharing our hearts and past 11 years together...praying to start the conversation and meal and praying to end it...two and a half hours later we left O'Charleys....LOL! WOW how GOD has worked in his life and mine over the past two years...we shared our failures, trials, defeats, successes, etc...but mostly we shared how the LORD JESUS CHRIST had changed our hearts and lives! We remarked some many times how 11 years ago we would have never acted, prayed, talked, anything like this!!! We both agreed how ashamed we were of our past and how both of us we gonna do everything possible in the future to make up for lost time for GOD! My heart has been full since I left there today...I can not even tell you how GOD's perfect timing is PERFECT...had he put us back in each others lives before now we both would probably both be divorced and unsaved and GOING TO HELL! Praise the Lord for his perfect timing and his grace and love! I now have my best friend in this world back in my life...The Lord brought him back to me in his time and what a blessing it is...If we wait on the Lord he will always give us what we need and most times want!

Afterwards, a great workout at National Fitness Center with the meat of the workout on CORE...weighted situps, planks, pull leg lifts, crunches, jumping squats,  and some back with Lat Pull Downs and Back Rows...then I came home and got ready for M and M Fit Club at First Baptist Church in Clinton! We did Cardio X from the P90X Series and we had a great group and workout! Me and Mica started this worked last June and we do it every Tuesday and Thursday night in Clinton...its been a blessing for us!

Great nutrition day...still under 2000 calories right now but I need to eat a little something...so I might go over but it ain't gonna be much over...I got to up my calories intake a little because I don't want to lose any more weight! This won't be hard...LOL!

Listen guys I hope your days are as good as mine..its amazing once you decide that you are gonna have a good day before you leave home how even if something does happen to try and derail...you can get by it...smile..breathe...and get back to having a great day! Remember GOD loves you and I love you. Keep the faith and stay the course! If I can do anything to help you in your personal or business life please let me know!

Mike Edenfield
1 Timothy 1 15-17

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