Monday, March 7, 2011

An 81 Year Old Guy Opened My Eyes Today....WOW!!!

Well my day started out really good...I got up around 5:15 which is pretty much normal for me everyday...I love getting up early because I can get a ton of stuff done while everyone else is sleeping! LOL...Anyway a great breakfast and a quick shower and out the door to see clients! Jefferson City, TN...Tarr Chevrolet and Farris Motor Company...honestly I know most of you guys don't think great thoughts about car dealers but trust me on this one...Bill Tarr (Owner of Tarr Chevrolet) and Johnny Wayne Farris (Owner of Farris Motor Company) are two of the nicest christian men you will ever meet...They both do business with the intention of keeping your business forever..both quality guys and that is an understatement...the greatest thing is they are both not just clients but GOOD FRIENDS...and Johnny Wayne Farris happens to be one of my best friends in the world! If you ever need to purchase a car up in this area you contact me and I will put you in touch with them personally...they will make you very happy! Then on to Grayson Hyundai/Subaru to visit this client and meet a new employee...Grayson is a long time client...a great dealer...and I have alot of very good friends there especially the owners and the GM Jim Viox (one of the best men on the planet)! Actually a great morning and I found out that February wasn't a bad month like it normally actually was pretty good and that shows great signs for the economy with March coming up which is always a great car sales month...YEAH YEAH YEAH! LOL

A quick lunch on the way back to Clinton (in my car...oh yeah I prepare...see recent posts)...A whey protein drink with Chocolate Whey Protein and PB2 Peanut Butter and Perfect Water...a great the buddy Doug Swiggum sells the PBS Peanut Butter at his store in Banberry, is awesome..its powder peanut butter that is half the calories and same protein...and its taste unbelievalbe. A protein bar to go with it and I was calories for lunch 300 and 38 grams of protein and only 21 carbs...yeah that works!

Headed to National Fitness Center in Oak Ridge for an Upperbody and Core Workout and thats when my day was made. I was working out and cutting up with a couple of my buddies around the Dumbbell racks and talking about running when this guy touches me on the back and says hey you look like a runner! I said yes sir I name is Mike Edenfield...He said glad to meet you Mike my name is Ben. He said I used to run all the time and I miss it so much but I can't run anymore. I said to bad Ben how old are you and he said 81! LOL...I said when did you stop running and he said around 75! LOL...He said I love to see and hear guys like you talk now because it brings back all the old memories of me running for over 50 years! He said I know all the courses around here because I used to run them! I thought he was so cool because as we talked I was doing Dumbbell curls with my 30lbs dumbbells and he was also with his 15 lbs dumbbells! We talked for a while and I listened to him...yeah the years were on his face and his body but the fire was still in his eyes! Ben (I never caught his last name) inspired me to have a great workout and the whole time I kept thinking about that Bob Seger song "Like A Rock"! It has always been one of my favorites and there are times when I'm working out or running and it comes on and I always love that line..."20 years where did they go...20 years I don't know...I sit and I wonder...where'd they go! Today I thought...there is Ben...he is 81...heck he is in the gym...most 81 year old people couldn't, wouldn't, or shouldn't be in a gym! Here he was working out....THAT IS WHERE I WANT TO BE ONE DAY...but you know what...YOU JUST DON'T START COMING TO THE GYM WHEN YOU ARE 81....Ben has been working at it all his life...thats the reason he is in the gym today and not in a nursing home, assisted living home, wheel chair, business partner says it all the time...we don't workout for quality of life now...WELL SOME OF US DO...LOL...but its for the quality of life in the last ten years of our lives....I say it all the time...get busy doing something...If you don't have time to must have time to get sick or die! It's just true guys! I am so glad GOD put Ben in my life today! I did 140 weighted decline situps, 200 Dumbbell Bicep Curls (150 with 25lbs and 50 with 30lbs), 54 Pull Ups (YEAH BABY), 90 Lawnmower Pulls (50 with 50lbs and 40 with 60lbs), 25 Chest Flys with 25lbs, 70 Pull Up Leg Lifts, 60 Jumping Squats (18 inch stool), and 85 Push Ups (40 regular, 20 Diamond, 20 Decline, and 5 Divebombers)! After all that I went down to Oak Ridge Marina on the greenway and had originally planned to do 4 easy miles since I did 15 miles on Saturday but after I got down there and the weather was so nice and I had been so inspried at the gym I decided to do 5 miles...still kept it easy....39.38 for 5 miles...just a easy 7.57 pace!

My food log is awesome for I write this I have only had 1578 calories so far and its I could eat another 712 calories tonight but I won't. I will probably have a Chobani Greek Yogurt snack in a bit to get some more protein but thats it and its only 140 calories! As of now I have had 1578 calories, 128.5 grams of protein, 170 grams of carbs, 48.5 grams of fat, and 42.3 grams of sugar! This is a great day but I do need to eat more tomorrow...I will!

Hey if you do want to lose weight or get in shape I am a coach for P90X...I can help you! Just let me know!

My day was wonderful...GOD is truly working in my life and I can see it daily with the people he continuously puts in it! I pray I did something today that would make him happy. If you don't do anything else tonight make a committment to yourself to do something everyday to exercise in some way, to eat right, and to ask the Jesus to direct your speech, actions, and attitude! I pray if you don't know my savior that you will let me know...Jesus has changed my life and heart...He loves you no matter what you have me thats the reason my favorite verse is 1 Timothy 1 15-17...look it up....if he can save and love me...he can save and love anyone! Praise be to the Father of everything!

I only hope your day was as great as mine!

Mike Edenfield
1 Timothy 1 15-17

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