Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6, 2011 A Day of Rest

I don't take many days off but after a great week of workouts, I decided to take the day and RELAX! LOL...I got some good hard workouts in this past week at the gym and still got in 3 nice first was Tuesday after almost two hours of Upperbody and CORE workout...I ran 4 miles in 30.14 and then on Thursday after an one and a half of weight lifting and CORE workout...I ran 4 miles in 30.13..same course one second quicker...LOL...not that I planned it that way! Anyway, then on Saturday I got my long run in...15 miles in 2:12:46...a good week! Read a great quote from Runner's World last night from Ed Eyestone (Two-time Olympic marathoner)...he said, "I've learned that whether you're a hard-core marathoner or a recreational runner, the long run is the backbone of a successful training program."...I sure hope he is right because I have been trying to get a long run in every week of at least 10 plus miles and trying to keep my weekly mileage between 25 and 30 miles. Also, learned a couple of other nice tips...I have always drank about 4 cups of coffee before a race because it makes me go to the bathroom...I know maybe to much information here but you don't want to stop during a race for a bathroom break...and I have always thought it helped me! Well good news...according to Runner's World...two cups of strong black coffee for a 150 lbs runner boosts stamina in both cold and hot temperatures! Nice to know cause I always thought it helped me! In the training section of Runner's World they suggested Cross training to help your running...well you know whats cool...all the exercises that they suggest are all in P90X workouts...WOW...I knew P90X helped but now I know it helps my running also! Lastly, there was an awesome article on LOSING WEIGHT...LOL...I loved it because its what I have been preaching for about 14 months goes as follows!

1) Take Really Good Notes: Write everything down you eat...YOU BITE IT...YOU WRITE IT!!!!No Exceptions
2) Measure What You Eat: Count Calories and buy a food scale...You got to watch you calories like a got to measure your portions...Get a calories goal in mind everyday and stick to it!
3) Beef Up Your Protein: Most people don't eat enough protein...You need as a basic need 50% of your body weight per day but if you really want to define muscle, stay full longer, and cut belly fat...the try to increase that protein intake to between 65% and 75% of your body weight. Make sure you get your carbs in a good rule your carbs and proteins should equal one to one until you can maintain a workout of an hour or so a day...after that you can increase your carbs as much as two to one...there are days especially like yesterday when I ran 15 miles that my carbs were three times my protein intake...its okay! A couple days before a Half Marathon I always carb up somewhere around 2 to 3 times my protein! The last part of what I said in this section is from me...not RUNNER'S WORLD...LOL! But trust me...IT WORKS!
4) Add Color To Every Meal: Beautiful Vegetables and Fruits...good fiber and low calorie...loaded with vitamins and minerals
5) Stop Grazing: Though I don't totally agree with this one...I do if its like most people and thats grazing several times a day and not just a little hand full of nuts or fruit...but a few hand fulls...LOL...grazing can be good but just a little something to hold you over to your meal...make sure if you do graze you do it with nuts or fruits (Not a banana) or something with protein (Cottage Cheese, peanut butter, Greek Yogurt,etc).
6) Always Have A Plan: Don't get caught leaving home without planning when, where, and how you will eat...IF YOU DO YOU WILL FAIL! Pack a protein snack or two and also PLAN PEOPLE!
7) Slow Down: Try to enjoy your meal more by slowing down when you will find that you will fill up quicker and probably won't eat as much!
8) Do Not Rush Weight Loss: A goal could be somewhere around 3 to 4 lbs per week...anything drastic will not be a LIFE CHANGE for will be a DIET...You are looking for a LONG LIFE more than 15 lbs per month! But whatever you do...DON'T GIVE UP!

Well guys...just finished watching University of Tennessee Volunteers get beat by the University of Kentucky one time in my life that would have made for a BAD rest of the day...anymore I don't even care. I am no Bruce Pearl supporter and until the University of Tennessee makes a change at UT then I ain't gonna spend another dollar going over there to watch them! I will say this till I die...You can't live one way and coach another...CHARACTER AND INTEGRITY mean something to me! I'm getting off my soapbox!

A shout out to all my good buddies but especially my accountability partners Marty Hughes, Angie Wilson, Doug Dibb, Rocky Smith, John Smyth, Bret Warren, Scott Lewis, and both my wife Mica Edenfield and Mom Mona Stuckwish...thanks guys for holding me accountalbe everyday and make me a better person, friend, husband, business partner, and son! I love you guys!

Very anxious to get back to workouts tomorrow...busy day with clients until around 3 but after that I will be hitting it hard! Hope to start training Mandy Stephens...a friend of mine...for the Half Marathon on April 30th (The Kentucky Derby Marathon/Half Marathon) in Lexington, Kentucky!

Headed out to buy some fresh Veggie/Fruit Kabobs at Fresh Market and come home and make a nice dinner with my gorgeous wife! Hope all is well with everyone today! Keep the faith, smile, and always try to help as many people as you can!

Mike Edenfield
1 Timothy 1 15-17

1 comment:

  1. Tons of good info on here as usual Mike. I have always heard - no matter what you are eating - plate it, take a seat and eat. Don't eat on the fly, you will eat more and not know it! I def need to plan better and move more! Thanks buddy, great share.
