Saturday, March 5, 2011

March 5, 2011 Day of Fitness

Well today I was suppose to be in Vicksburg, Mississippi running the Run Through History 10K! But the trip was problem! I decided to get a group of my buddies together and run The Knoxville Marathon course this morning...Doug Dibb, Angie Wilson, and Doug Swiggum all met me at The Holiday Inn World's Fair site (The starting line for The Knoxville Marathon April 3, 2011) and we ran 8 miles down the front half of the course and then doubled back. The run went well...15 miles in 2:12:46 and then we walked the last .66 of a mile back to the hotel to cool down! Temperatures were awesome around 53 degrees or so and it was cloudy with spitting rain the entire time...PERFECT! We saw so many fellow runners out training and it was an enjoyable run. My buddy and best friend Doug Dibb ran with me the whole time and paced me through the hilly course. I felt awesome until around mile 13 and started to drag a little...still I'll take 15 and especially on that course...the  last two times I ran 15 miles my times were 2:15:43 and today was an accomplishment! I'm getting stronger and I feel pretty good about my progress! P90X, Insanity, and Reb Abs have been a major part of my training but it is insane to think I ran my first race on December 12, 2009 just a little over 14 months ago! WOW!!! I have competed in 43 races since my first one and there is no stopping me now...WITH GOD'S HELP!

GOD has blessed my life so much over the past 16 months with health and fitness but mostly with unbelievable friends and a new relationship with my gorgeous wife and family! My life is awesome! I only wished I could have lived the first 45 years of my life like I have the last year and a half! Oh well, till the Lord calls me home I will stand up for him everytime I get a chance, I will witness for him everytime I get a chance, and I hope to please him in my efforts, attitude, speech, and actions!

Praise be to the Father
Mike Edenfield
1 Timothy 1 15-17

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