Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 23, 2000 till March 23, 2011...11 Years Seems Like Yesterday

Well as I sit here tonight...I realize tomorrow is a huge day for me and Mica...my wife and best friend! If you got a minute I want to tell you the story! Here goes!!

Its about 2:30 pm on March 23, 2000, and I was driving from Ray Viles Ford in downtown Clinton, Tennessee to Dean Stallings Ford in Oak Ridge, Tennessee ( Funny thing neither dealership is in business now). I had received and email from Ford Motor Company telling me that Dean Stallings Ford was a lead for me...to go sign them up as a client! So as I drove into Oak Ridge down the turnpike from Clinton I was just driving listening to the radio and planning my pitch to the new potential client when all of a sudden I pass a black Ford Expedition and a beautiful girl...on a cell phone! I did a double take on this beautiful girl and I thought I just saw an angel! I got to meet her!! So I slowed down and hope she might look over at me...she did but turned her head quickly...she was not interested...so I changed lanes and slowed so I would be driving beside her and kept looking and hoping she would look at me...she wouldn't...LOL...I know what you are thinking...STALKER...I don't care..yeah I was stalking her for sure...LOL! Anyway, now since I had tried on both sides of the car with no luck the last just effort would be to get behind her...I did...I motioned for her to pull over...after about a half mile she did! I get out of my car to see she had rolled her window down just far enough (about a half inch) to hear my voice! LOL!! She says to me, "Do I know you?" and I say, "No, but you are getting ready to!" She said yeah right and started to pull away...I begged her to stop...she did and said, "WHY?"....I said, "Cause I have to meet you!" I took a business card out and it had my cell phone number on it...I slipped it in the small hole of the window and said, "Call me please!!!!" Well, she pulled out and I thought I will never meet this girl. About fifteen minutes later she called...confused...but she said,  "I don't know why I am calling you but what do you want?" I said, "I just have to meet you" She said I'm married and I said so am I...she said well not happily married and I said neither am I. LOL...Well, I will stop the story here but I will tell you after a week of 40 plus phone calls I finally got here to agree to meet me for lunch and to talk!

I have always thought me and Mica were made for each other. She is my best friend and life partner! Eleven years has seen a lot of changes in our minds and bodies. What seems sometimes as a lifetime other times it seems like just yesterday. Has it all been a bed of roses...well no..but what marriage is...I will say this though...I can't imagine a life without her ever...I can't even hardly remember a life before her! When she smiles I smile...When she cries I cry...She is the first one I call when something good happens to me and she is the first one I call and cry to when something bad happens to me! She is a listening ear and a supportive shoulder! She gives me confidence to do anything in this world! She makes me FEEL LIKE A MAN! I have said this more than once...If she goes before I do...they better dig two graves...I ain't gonna be able to live without her!

The pictures above are basically 11 years apart. The first picture was taken on Feb 3, 2011 and the picture below is the second picture we ever took together on July 29, 2000! Yes we have changed...and so has our love....OUR LOVE IS AS STRONG AS ANY LOVE CAN BE! The trails we have been through...none that Mica has caused...all my fault....has made our faith, love, and marriage stronger! Let me say this and with the strongest of voices I know how to say it in....NOTHING OR NOBODY OR NO THING OR NO SITUATION WILL EVER BREAK UP THIS MARRIAGE! She is my life and my soul mate and I am just lucky that the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life....happens to love me also! Happy Anniversary baby...thank you for being my wife...I have told you this  more than once darling but its the truth...I have never seen any woman that is more beautiful to me...even on the big screen! You flip my switch...thank you for you kindness and sweet love all this time! I can't wait to sit on the beach...no run down the beach...with you when we are in our 80's! Love ya baby!!!

Mike Edenfield
1 Timothy 1 15-17

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