Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Love Saturday

You know I love Saturdays...most of them I have a race to go to...or some kind of big training run...NOT TODAY...I just knew I was gonna workout at the gym and enjoy a quick workout with nothing in mind but to just enjoy myself! I DID!!

I knew it was gonna be an outstanding day when one of the first things I thought of was an old song came to mind that I used to hear all the time when I was growing is by Tom T. of the legendary song writers and singers in the history of country music! The song is "I LOVE"....

I love little baby ducks, old pick-up trucks, slow-moving trains, and rain
I love little country streams, sleep without dreams, sunday school in may,
And hay
And i love you too

I love leaves in the wind, pictures of my friends, birds in the world, and squirrels
I love coffee in a cup, little fuzzy pups, bourbon in a glass, and grass and i love you too

I love honest open smiles, kisses from a child, tomatoes on the vine, and onions
I love winners when they cry, losers when they try, music when it's good, and life
And i love you too

I just kept humming this song all morning until I left for the gym! LOL!!!

I fell in love all over again today...rode my Suzuki C-109 1800 to the gym this morning...hadn't been on it in a while...YES I WAS IN LOVE ALL OVER AGAIN! The feeling of riding your bike at 100 mph and hearing nothing but the wind coming through your helmet...NOTHING LIKE IT! That bike gives me peace...a feeling of control...a feeling of freedom...makes me feel young...confident...and I always remember that line from Top Gun...I feel the need...the need for speed! I love speed! My bike below!!

The meat of my blog will be from my experience at the gym today! I was working a little upperbody and core and overheard a couple doctors discussing religion, the bible, and Jesus! I knew these doctors but I won't say there names. I continued to listen I thought it was incredible of their views of these subjects. I won't go into details and I will keep this concise as possible both basically they both thought 1) religion was overrated, 2) the bible was just a great story telling book and most of it couldn't possibly be true...not possible, and last 3) Jesus couldn't or could have been real but not all of the stories about him! I was amazed to hear them rationalize about these subjects. My question is why does GOD give men everything he does and for them to doubt or question him or even worse deny him. These men I guess since they had been blessed with intelligence and all the worldly possessions you can have had decided that the bible and Jesus were just good stories. AMAZING! The gym was not filled this morning and I wanted so badly to say something to them and take a solid stand on my faith and my Jesus but I didn't...I almost think because I didn't that I was just as much in the wrong. I pray GOD forgives me for not taking a stand when I had the chance. I will say is those who are blessed that have faith but have not seen!! I know my Jesus and my GOD are real...I know they have changed my life and I know I will never be the same...AND I WILL SAY THIS...I may not understand everything in the bible but I BELIEVE IT FROM COVER TO COVER!! ALPHA AND OMEGA!! THE BEGINNING TO THE END!!! PRAISE GOD!

Afternoon, was spent with Mica shopping and then having lunch with my nephew Kacey and my Mom at Panera Bread. Grocery shopping at Earth Fare and then home to clean the pool. A great day for me. Gonna rest up a little tonight and get ready for a nice 7 Mile Trail Run/Race tomorrow morning!

My last venture today was something I am very proud of...NOT SOMETHING I DID..SOMETHING JESUS DID! For about 5 months my neighbor and me have not been on speaking terms...I won't share the details but I'm sure it was my fault...honestly I think it all came from a comment I made on Facebook back in October. An immature comment I made about a politician that I shouldn't have made and that started the conflict. We had been friends since we moved across the street from them almost 7 years ago. Until today the last five months have been uncomfortable and frankly just pulling into my driveway and turning my head so I didn't have to speak had become my pattern. Well GOD has been speaking to me about this and I have been praying about it. Today when I saw my neighbor walking down her driveway...I said thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity to go and ask this friend for her forgiveness...I didn't know what I was gonna say...but as the bible says...make sure when you go and comfort a person...1) make sure you love that person and 2) make sure you have a forgiven spirit. Well GOD put in my mouth what to say...and Jesus prepared my heart. My neighbor did forgive me and hugged me and told me she loved me! Let me tell you my day was complete! THANK YOU LORD!!My neighbor is a really good person and has two outstanding daughters and for years we have always been good friends...its nice to know that they have decided to forgive I have my friends back!

Keep the faith people...If you don't know my Savior Jesus Christ then contact me...I will tell you...once you decide to let him into your heart...your life will never be the same! He will delivery peace to you and your life will become a lot easier. I lived a long time thinking I was everything and needed no one to do anything...NOW I REALIZE I AM NOTHING WITHOUT JESUS AND I AM EVERYTHING WITH HIM!

Mike Edenfield
1 Timothy 1 15-17

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