Friday, March 18, 2011

Nice Easy Run/ Business/ Speaking Engagement

So glad to see the sunshine and the warm temperatures today...Spring is in the air!

I started my day off with a nice easy run with my good friend and workout partner Mandy Stephens. We met at National Fitness Center in Oak Ridge and ran from there down to the Oak Ridge Marina and down the Marina and then back to National Fitness Center. A nice 11.25 miles in 1:42:17...yeah and easy pace of refreshing to run with such ease and enjoy things...the rowers are in town from everywhere right now for a big meet this weekend and it was so awesome to run with some of them and see so many places represented. University of Minnesota, Notre Dame, and even University of Tennessee with many more! The run was just what I needed to start my day and its always good to be around my good buddy Mandy...she is so driven and focused when it comes to fitness!

Afterwards, I took a quick shower and went to a business meeting in Knoxville for a few hours and then came home to see the end of the Tennessee basketball game! WOW...a 30 point defeat...well I would say the Bruce Pearl era is coming to an end!! Funny how the people are turning on him now...LOL..I been trying to tell people all year but no one would listen and people actually got mad at me this year for things I have said about Pearl! Let me also say this since I'm on the subject...Mike Hamilton didn't lie or do anything wrong...I can't understand for the life of me why anyone is mad at him. Hamilton is a quality guy that has four adopted children...Mike and his wife give their time and money to raise four kids that are not theirs and then on top of that...when everything was going great at UT and Pearl hadn't lied why didn't he get the credit then he deserved? Why does he need to lose his job cause Pearl lied? Please somebody tell me why? Quality people never hurt you in an organization....obviously Pearl was not a QUALITY PERSON!! Getting down off my soap box...but before I do...TOLD YA SO....LOL!!

I was asked to speak to the Clinton High School Baseball Team last week before their game against Grace today! I was honored by the request!! Coach Taylor said I could talk about anything I wanted and I had about thirty minutes with the team. So carefully I planned what to say to these young men and I wanted it to be more about being a person than a baseball player! I titled my meeting GOALS and ATTITUDE! I do believe with GOALS and ATTITUDE anything can be accomplished!

Your goals 1) have to be written down....2) Establish a time frame....3)List the obstacles you will have to overcome to obtain your goal...4) Identify the people and organizations you will need to complete your goals..5) Spell out a plan of action....and finally 6)You must identify the benefit of obtaining the goal for yourself! Now let me add this last thing...IT MUST BE YOUR GOAL...NOT SOMEONE ELSE'S GOAL! I believe in goals...WRITTEN DOWN GOALS...and I believe if you, your company, your family, and your church do not have WRITTEN DOWN GOALS you will just exist but never excel !

Attitude...well lets just say...I think its the most important thing a person can possess...A POSITIVE ATTITUDE! Attitude is the barometer for everything and a bad attitude can tear down anything just as easy as a good attitude can make anything work! I have always had a "CAN DO" attitude in my life and I have always believed that I could do anything I choose to do...this was something that was instilled into me by my parents and coaches at a young age! We talked about how many teams have outstanding talent but never seem to win the championships...I truly believe its because of ATTITUDE and GOAL SETTING! If the attitude is "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF" then team is no concept...remember Coach Wooden's pyramid...WE always supersedes ME! We talked about an attitude of gratitude and of respect! I won't share everything but I will say this...I think I got as much out of the meeting as the boys did ! LOL...They responded to the meeting and really participated...I'll tell you something...I love today's youth...I do believe they are no different than when I was a kid in most ways...I know they are in some...but I really believe they all want and need discipline and they all want love and they all want someone to care about them! It was nice to see the coaches in the meeting with me and at the end lead the applause after I spoke!

A great day heart stays full anymore...I thank GOD for all the chances he gives me to witness and tell my story of what GOD is doing in my life and for me! PRAISE THE FATHER OF ALL THINGS!

Thanks for following my blog and reading! God bless you and your family!

Mike Edenfield
1 Timothy 1 15-17

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