Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bad Choices and Good Choices....How Do We Make Better Choices...My Theory!

Well earlier today a friend of mine made a comment on one of my post on Facebook...I had posted something about exercise and running becoming a habit after three months and my friend said she would like to have them as her habits and she wanted to know why bad habits are so easy to pick up and good ones aren't? After thinking about this I think I really know why!

Think about the bad habits/choices in our lives...we all have them...lets see if I can name a few....procrastination, bitting your fingernails, gossiping about people, overeating or emotional eating, pulling into a drive through fast food restaurant, smoking, drinking alcohol, being a know it all, bragging, bad listener, lazy, and shop-a-holic...sound familiar...LOL...well we all have them and probably some I have not listed. If you think about the things I have listed...we do this without thinking most times...or we do this without thinking about the consequences.

I believe we would not make bad choices/habits or make as many if we did a few things: 1) Think of the consequences of our habits/choices, 2) Planned our lives better and had an end result in mind that would be beneficial to you, and lastly 3) stay disciplined and focused on our life goals. Now this may be easier said than done to most but I truly don't think it is.

How about some good habits/choices...lets see if I can name a few of them...eating healthy, exercising, have a good attitude, have a can do attitude, plan/forecast, work your plan, meditate on your life and choices, have a daily planner for your life/day, practice gratitude, strive for excellence in everything you do, be punctual, respect elders and authorities, and live the golden rule...hmmm I'm sure there are more but these are some pretty good ones!

I suggest you do a few things I will start to do more of in the future. Plan my life total life...body, mind, and soul. Plan my days...I do a pretty good job of this now but I will do better...if you write it down you are more likely to do plan your days...put things on your schedule for your day/week/month...and do them. Plan my meals and exercises..again I do a pretty good job of this now..but I will get better at it! Plan my future...I want to ask myself where do I want to be at the end of the year in my life and then where do I want to be in five years, ten years, fifteen years, and twenty years? got to write them down...if you are a lot more likely to complete them...if you don't its so easy to go back to the old way of life...bad habits/choices!

Lastly, when thinking of your choices consider a couple of things: 1) Whats the payoff by making these choices in my life, 2) What the trade off if I made another choice rather than the one I am making, 3) If its time to make a change...THEN MAKE A CHANGE NOW...don't wait...don't say at the beginning of the month I am gonna start...or at the beginning of the week I am gonna stop doing this or that, 4) Plan what you will have to do to change the habit and then substitute better behavior...put yourself in a position to succeed at your goal...don't let anything get in your way, and lastly 5) Realize its up to you....YOU CAN DO IT! Don't let anyone tell you that you can't...stay focused...realize its your goal to change...people may make fun of you for changing and people may try to sway you away from your goals/choices...stay disciplined and stay the course...YOU CAN DO IT!

Well in closing I will say this...I think the biggest difference in bad choices/habits and good choices/habits comes down to one thing GOALS! If your goals...and they must be YOUR GOALS...are to do something, and you have written down...YOU WILL COMPLETE YOUR GOALS! Remember, to write down your goals, put a time frame on it, list the obstacles you will have to overcome to complete the goal, make a plan of actions, think of the benefits to you, associate yourself with the people/organizations that you will need to complete your goal....THEN GET STARTED AND WORK YOUR PLAN!

Mike Edenfield
1 Timothy 1 15-17

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