Monday, April 11, 2011

My Idea for Beachbody Summit Competition Among Coaches

Beach body “Super” Iron man Competition
To Benefit
Entry Fees
Overall Winners Male and Female
Overall Team Relay Winner
Age Group Male and Female Winners
Oldest Male and Female Winners
All participates receives Tech Tshirt and a Beachbody Goody Bag. All participates must be an active Beachbody coach.
Four Person Relay Teams
2nd Person competes in Leg 4
3rd Person competes in Legs 5 thru 9
4th Person competes in Leg 10
Leg 1: 500 meter swim
Leg 2: Pull Up Competition: Total Pull Ups….3 sets…The most pull ups you can
do per set with 30 second rest in between sets.
Leg 3: Push Ups Competition: Total Push Ups..4 sets…Set 1 Regular Push Ups,
Set 2 Diamond Push Ups, Set 3 Decline Push Ups, and Set 4 Prison Ceil
Push Ups…The most push ups you can do per set with a 30 second rest in
Between sets.
Leg 4: 50K Bike
Leg 5: Sit Ups: Total Sit Ups in a 5 minute set
Leg 6: Planks: 3 sets…Total time per set with a 30 second rest in between sets.
Leg 7: Jumping Squats: 3 sets…each set is 1 minute long…the most Jumping Squats you can do per set with a 30 second rest in between sets. The Jumping Squats will be with an 18” inch step.
Leg 8: Standing Long Squat Jumps: 3 jumps….Total Distance of 3 jumps in distance.
Leg 9: Wall Squats: 3 sets…Total time in 3 sets…30 second rest in between sets.
Leg 10: Half Marathon
Total competitors for the event will be calculated and your point total will be based on your ranking in each competition. Lowest point total after the ten events wins the competition.
Example: Leg 1 (500 meter swim)
300 competitors
Your ranking among competitors :56th best time
Your point total after round one: 56
Leg 2 (Pull Up competition)

300 competitors
Your ranking among competitors:20th most pull ups
Your point total for round two: 20
Your point total after Round one and two: 76
Best Possible Score: 10
Worst Possible Score: 3000 (Based on 300 Competitors)
Beachbody could serve Shakeology to competitors during the event and you use their protein bars and Recovery Drink during all competitions.
All really cool thing for the competition would be if Beachbody could convince Tony Horton, Shaun T, Bret Hoebel, and all the other trainers to join the competition.
Our Goal would be to set Beachbody apart from all the other Fitness Companies and Programs out there in the industry…to show people that our coaches are more fit than any coaches/instructors in the industry…it could set us total apart from all the other companies…IT COULD BE HUGE!!
: 1st Person competes in Legs 1 thru 3
: Trophies
: 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place awards for 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60, 60-70
: Trophy, $1000, and a free team entry to next years “Super” Iron Man Competition to be presented at the Summit Banquet.
: Trophy, $1000, and a free entry to next years “Super” Iron Man Competition to be presented at the Summit Banquet.
: $150 per Individual $200 per Relay Team If an individual is in Success Club for three consecutive months Entry Fee would be free. Each person from the Relay Team must be in Success Club for three consecutive months to gain a free entry.
: American Diabetes Association
: At Beachbody 2012 Summit

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